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Educational Games for Kids for Nintendo Switch just released!

Date: 20 Nov 2020 crazysoft

Educational Games for Kids

Nintendo Switch™ just released!
Available only as downloadable content for Nintendo Switch.
You can buy this version from Nintendo Switch eShop (Europe and America regions)

Review: (familyfriendlygaming.com)
It is great to see a kids video game come back to the consoles again. It has been some time since this genre was accurately represented. It is wonderful to see a game for kids coming to so many different systems.

Review: (play-verse.com)
We thought this game would be of great use if parents were aware of its existence. It can help children's brain growth, memory, reasoning, problem-solving skills, reflexes and other aspects that they might not get in school.

PS4: Released, on both America and Europe regions.
Xbox One: Released, find it here.
Windows 10 Store: Released, find it here.
Steam: Released on Windows, Mac & Linux, find it here.
Mac Store: Released, find it here. (Free limited version here)
Android: Released on Phones & Tablets, find it here. (Free limited version here)
iOS: Released on iPhones & iPads, find it here.
Android TV: Released, find it here.
Apple TV: Released, find it here.

For more information Click here

Educational Games for Kids multiplatform release!

Date: 12 Oct 2020 crazysoft

Educational Games for Kids

All Platforms are out!* (*Only Nintendo Switch™ is missing right now. It is estimated to release at the end of November in Switch.)

Review: (familyfriendlygaming.com)
It is great to see a kids video game come back to the consoles again. It has been some time since this genre was accurately represented. It is wonderful to see a game for kids coming to so many different systems.

Review: (play-verse.com)
We thought this game would be of great use if parents were aware of its existence. It can help children's brain growth, memory, reasoning, problem-solving skills, reflexes and other aspects that they might not get in school.

Review: (Vulgar Knight)
It’s very thorough, true to its title of being educational, and ignoring the Editor’s Picks section on your tablet, a top educational title. I can’t put a score on educational content, but I will recommend that you pick this up – especially for younger children.

PS4: Released, on both America and Europe regions.
Xbox One: Released, find it here.
Nintendo Switch: Not yet. Estimated at the end of November.
Windows 10 Store: Released, find it here.
Steam: Released on Windows, Mac & Linux, find it here.
Mac Store: Released, find it here. (Free limited version here)
Android: Released on Phones & Tablets, find it here. (Free limited version soon)
iOS: Released on iPhones & iPads, find it here. (Free limited version soon)
Android TV: Released, find it here.
Apple TV: Released, find it here.

For more information Click here

Educational Games for Kids released for PS4 & Xbox!

Date: 02 Sep 2020 crazysoft

Educational Games for Kids

Relax & let your kids play!

At last: a well thought-out, smart, polished, ‘console quality’ educational game pack is out for your kids. Suitable for boys and girls from ages 3 to 18. A pack of 21 different games with 51 variations that educate in various ways like: reflexes, logic, math, memory and knowledge. Keep track of your child’s progress with our statistics. All games have easy-to-learn controls with interesting and fun things to do. At last, a pack of games designed to educate and make your children smarter. The game runs natively in 4K when supported.

PS4: The game has already released in America! (Europe ver. will release very soon)
Xbox One: The game has already released!
Windows 10 Store: The game has already released!
Steam: Steam will release at 10/Sep/2020.
Nintendo Switch: Will release soon.
Mobiles and TV versions: Will release soon

For more information, images, videos and release dates for other platforms, click here. Click here

Educational Games for Kids will soon release for PS4 & Xbox One!

Date: 13 Aug 2020 crazysoft

Educational Games for Kids

Relax & let your kids play!

You are a parent and you are trying to relax a little by playing your favorite game. Your child keeps asking you to let them try it… But the game you are playing is not suitable for children (because it’s a little scary and not educational at all). Does this situation sound familiar?

At last: a well thought-out, smart, polished, ‘console quality’ educational game pack is out for your kids. Suitable for boys and girls from ages 3 to 18. A pack of 21 different games with 51 variations that educate in various ways like: reflexes, logic, math, memory and knowledge. Keep track of your child’s progress with our statistics. All games have easy-to-learn controls with interesting and fun things to do. At last, a pack of games designed to educate and make your children smarter. The game runs natively in 4K when supported.

Sony PS4: The game will release on Europe and USA on 1/Sep/2020.
Microsoft Xbox One: The game will release on 2/Sep/2020.
Steam: Steam will follow very soon!

For more information, images, videos and release dates for other platforms, click here. Click here

Stay home and entertain yourself. All our games with 50% off.

Date: 23 Mar 2020 crazysoft

Classic Snake

Stay at home to stay safe!

These are difficult times for all the Globe. COVID-19 threat changes our lives. We need to stay at home to stay safe and this way help stop this virus from spreading. Staying at home 24/7 is difficult, entertainment is needed.

We offer all out apps and games with 50% off until 30-March-2020.

Google Play:
Classic Snake: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crazysoftcloud.classicsnake
Astrology 2020: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crazysoftcloud.astrologypremium
Palm Reading: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crazysoftcloud.palmpremium
Personality: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crazysoftcloud.personalitypremium
Tarot: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crazysoftcloud.tarotreadingspremium
Frutakia 2: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crazysoftcloud.frutakiatwo
Zeus Quest: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crazysoftcloud.zeusquestpremium
Raining Coins (This is free): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crazysoftcloud.rainingcoins

iPhone & iPad:
Classic Snake: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/classic-snake-adventures/id1488587510?l=el&ls=1
Tarot: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tarot-readings-premium/id840217664?l=el&ls=1
Astrology 2020: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/astrology-horoscope-premium/id596412002?l=el&ls=1
Palm Reading: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/palm-reading-premium/id643200825?l=el&ls=1
Personality: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/personality-psychology-premium/id777640415?l=el&ls=1
Frutakia 2: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/frutakia-2-premium/id973193294?l=el&ls=1
Zeus Quest: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/zeus-quest-remastered-premium/id1116473373?l=el&ls=1
Raining Coins (this is free) https://apps.apple.com/us/app/raining-coins/id939990313?l=el&ls=1

Astrology 2020: https://store.steampowered.com/app/760710/Astrology_and_Horoscope_Premium/
Classic snake: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1188580/Classic_Snake_Adventures/
Personality: https://store.steampowered.com/app/710360/Personality_Psychology_Premium/
Tarot: https://store.steampowered.com/app/728920/Tarot_Readings_Premium/
Palm Reading: https://store.steampowered.com/app/724460/Palm_Reading_Premium/
Frutakia 2: https://store.steampowered.com/app/755220/Frutakia_2/
Raining Coins: https://store.steampowered.com/app/755240/Raining_Coins/
The Odyssey: https://store.steampowered.com/app/516560/The_Odyssey/
Zeus Quest: https://store.steampowered.com/app/488460/Zeus_Quest_Remastered/

Astrology 2020: https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9WZDNCRDH0WS
Classic Snake: https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9NG5CD0WT2MX
Palm Reading: https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9WZDNCRDH0WJ
Personality: https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9P347LLQHVPZ
Tarot: https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9WZDNCRDH0WT
Frutakia 2: https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9NBLGGGZQ5N9
Raining Coins: https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9WZDNCRCS7N7
Zeus Quest: https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9NBLGGH4NJW3
The Odyssey: https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9WZDNCRDH0VR

Classic Snake: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/classic-snake-adventures/id1488438085?l=el&ls=1
Astrology 2020: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/astrology-horoscope-premium/id594758727?l=el&ls=1
Tarot: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tarot-readings-premium/id838125260?l=el&ls=1
Palm Reading: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/palm-reading-premium/id642379941?l=el&ls=1
Personality: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/personality-psychology-premium/id774760712?l=el&ls=1
Frutakia 2: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/frutakia-2-premium/id972675173?l=el&ls=1
Zeus Quest: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/zeus-quest-remastered-premium/id1116703305?l=el&ls=1
The Odyssey: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-odyssey-hd/id562198756?l=el&ls=1
Raining Coins: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/raining-coins-premium/id939567054?l=el&ls=1

Classic Snake Adventures just released for Xbox One!

Date: 05 Feb 2020 crazysoft

Classic Snake

Classic Snake Adventures just released for Xbox One!

A 4K reboot of the classic retro game snake introduced in 1997. Remade with gorgeous hand-drawn 2d art and a 3d snake. The snake's mechanics are completely new. This 3d snake can bend, and change size and speed during game-play, something you won’t see in any other snake games. A state of the art game with the retro beloved gameplay of snake 97.

* Beautiful hand-drawn 2D art rendered in 4K
* 3d snake that bends and grows.
* Map with 5 beautiful worlds
* Lots of gameplay, 100 rounds, 20 bosses.
* Xbox Live Leaderboard.
* Xbox Live Achievments.
* A state of the art game with the beloved retro gameplay of snake 97.

Get it now:
Xbox One: Available only as downloadable content for Xbox One. You can buy this version from Microsoft Store (All regions).
PS4: Available only as downloadable content for Playstation 4. You can buy this version from PlayStation Store (Europe and America regions).
Nintendo Switch: Available only as downloadable content for Nintendo Switch. You can buy this version from Nintendo Switch eShop (Europe and America regions)
More Platforms: Click here

Astrology and Horoscope ready for 2020.

Date: 24 Dec 2019 crazysoft

Astrology 2020

Just Updated for 2020!
Free update for: PS4, Steam, Mac, iOS, tvOS & Android!

2020 Astrology and Horoscopes Premium is the most luxury astrology, horoscope and numerology application. Learn your love horoscope in style. Use our super polished console quality premium astrology app. Get detailed daily predictions of tomorrow and yesterday based on biorhythms. Everything included...

Whats new:
* 2020 content update
* 2020 yearly horoscope
* 2020 yearly numerology
* New icons
* Major Engine update

Get it now:
PS4: Patch is out for Playstation 4.
SWITCH*: free update is coming soon.
Mac Store: PREMIUM and FREE
Android: PREMIUMand FREE
Windows Store: PREMIUMand FREE

Classic Snake Adventures just released for PS4, Steam, Android and iOS.

Date: 06 Dec 2019 crazysoft

Classic Snake

A 4K reboot of the classic retro game snake introduced in 1997. Remade with gorgeous hand-drawn 2d art and a 3d snake. The snake's mechanics are completely new. This 3d snake can bend, and change size and speed during game-play, something you won’t see in any other snake games. A state of the art game with the retro beloved gameplay of snake 97.

Nibble your way through 100 amazing rounds in 5 worlds with 20 different bosses! The quest is easy: avoid all obstacles and eat the remaining fruit. The reptile will increase in size and speed after eating, especially if you eat the meat. Soda can make you smaller again. If you touch a turbo booster, your speed will increase rapidly for a few seconds, so try not to crash! Bonus letters appear during your nimble quest. You better get them because if you complete the word ‘bonus,’ then you will get your hearts refilled and fat bonus points.

* Beautiful hand-drawn 2D art rendered in 4K
* 3d snake that bends and grows.
* Map with 5 beautiful worlds
* Lots of gameplay, 100 rounds, 20 bosses.
* World leaderboard.
* 14 trophies
* A state of the art game with the beloved retro gameplay of snake 97.

Get it now:
PS4: Available only as downloadable content for Playstation 4. You can buy this version from PlayStation Store (Europe and America regions).
Mac Store: PREMIUM and FREE
Android: PREMIUM and FREE
* Nintendo Switch and Xbox One will follow very soon!

iOS, macOS and tvOS sales! Up to 50% until 10 Oct.

Date: 03 Oct 2019 crazysoft

Tarot Readings

Don't miss our October super sales for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
The sales will last only one week, that is from today until 10 October.

iOS and tvOS Sales:

2019 Astrology & Horoscope: PREMIUM (only 3.99$ from 6.99$)
Tarot Readings: PREMIUM (only 3.99$ from 6.99$)
Palm Reading: PREMIUM (only 3.99$ from 6.99$)
Personality & Phychology: PREMIUM (only 3.99$ from 6.99$)
Zeus Quest Remastered: PREMIUM (only 3.99$ from 5.99$)
Frutakia 2: PREMIUM (only 2.99$ from 3.99$)
The Odyssey: PREMIUM (only 2.99$ from 3.99$ *no tvOS)

macOS Sales:

2019 Astrology & Horoscope: PREMIUM (only 5.99$ from 8.99$)
Tarot Readings: PREMIUM (only 5.99$ from 8.99$)
Palm Reading: PREMIUM (only 5.99$ from 8.99$)
Personality & Phychology: PREMIUM (only 5.99$ from 8.99$)
Zeus Quest Remastered: PREMIUM (only 3.99$ from 6.99$)
Frutakia 2: PREMIUM (only 2.99$ from 3.99$)
The Odyssey: PREMIUM (only 3.99$ from 6.99$)

Please note: If you buy the iOS version you get the tvOS version free of charge!

Tarot Readings is out for Nintendo Switch!

Date: 16 Jul 2019 crazysoft

Tarot Readings

Tarot Readings is out!
Released for Nintendo Switch USA and Europe!

The tarot reading is a pack of playing cards used in parallel for divination in the form of tarotology and cartomancy. With our game you can have the full taro experience! It makes you feel like you are visiting a real gypsy tarot reader. She will shuffle the cards, let you choose them and then present them and explain their meanings. This is the most beautiful and fully animated Tarot card experience out there. The main deck style used is gorgeous and custom made. FHD resolution, made exclusively for us in 2019. All 78 cards are animated! Supports both controller and touchscreen on Nintendo Switch. (Supports Switch Lite!)

► Supports the new Switch Lite!
► Exclusive custom 4K deck with animated cards!
► 5 full decks of 78 cards. (1 animated and 4 historic: Grimaud, Conver, Dodal, Noblet)
► 4 popular spreads (Celtic cross, three cards, romance / love and career)
► Translated into 8 languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Greek.
► Can find: Neighbour cards (Well-dignified, Ill-dignified), Pair & Reversed.
► Detailed or simple explanations for beginners.
► Compare each card from all 5 decks with zoom.
► Living room multiplayer! Up to 5 different users.
► You can export all results to your email easily.

Search "Tarot Readings" and find it in your local Nintendo eStore.
Switch USA Store
Switch UK Store
(More platforms here)

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